40 quiet evenings

Your New Favorite Evening Ritual:
Rest, Restore, Wind Down on Repeat

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  • Day 40

    Day 40

    9 min | restorative yoga | meditation tips | self-massage | guided relaxation

    In just under 10 minutes (we can find that time, right?!)

    to make a tiny bed

    and take a delicious tiny nap

    suggested props: a wall or your bed or your couch, a couple pillows, bolster and block if you have one

    thank you SO much for simply BEING here with me.

  • Day 39

    Day 39

    14 min | restorative yoga | guided relaxation

    yin yoga practice - the BEING counterpoint to all our DOING.

    I can’t think of a better way to wind down our 40 quiet evenings together.

    suggested props: “official” yoga ones like blocks and bolsters or just the cushions & blankets & pillows from your Real Life :)

  • Day 26

    Day 26

    10 min | restorative yoga | bedtime story | guided relaxation

    10 minutes.

    1 restorative yoga pose.

    (aka make a little bed, take a little nap.)

    suggested prop: yoga bolster or bath towel or blanket

  • Day 21

    Day 21

    18 min | restorative yoga | heart opening | bedtime story | relaxation

    Set your intention for these next 10 days…

    what is it you’re ready to INVITE into your life right now?

    what ideas, dreams, goals, and habits do you want to IGNITE right now?

    what is that you’re trying turn on in your life right now?

    an embodied answer to those questions in tonight’s practice:

    a heart-opening yoga practice

    & 10 pieces of activating wisdom in my own life right now. fresh, new lessons from me, just for you.