40 quiet evenings

Your New Favorite Evening Ritual:
Rest, Restore, Wind Down on Repeat

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  • Day 29

    Day 29

    20 min | breath work | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    this 20 minute practice is one of my favorites, hands-down.

    a bit of everything you need at the end of the day.

    including THE poem that, to me (and to many) feels like FREEDOM.

  • Day 27

    Day 27

    18 min | restorative yoga | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    A wind-down practice inspired by some of my absolute favorite things:

    poetry and nature

    nature and poetry

    good teachers to me and now I hope to you to find a bit of generosity to ourselves tonight.

    a restorative pose to begin, a few gentle yoga stretches to unwind what the day did, and a poem to bring you into deep, good rest.

  • Day 23

    Day 23

    18 min | gentle yoga | self-massage | bedtime story | relaxation

    Focus: Your “Computer Muscles”

    Hips, sides of the waist, shoulders, chest, spine.

    Our lives live in our body. The imprint of a day. Where we hold on without even noticing. Without ever notice.

    Open, dear one. Soften and open. The space around the heart. Yes, yes, there it is.

    suggested prop: a tennis or lacrosse or massage ball.

    (and, a special guest star ;)

  • Day 22

    Day 22

    18 min | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    A full spectrum, full body unfolding for your body tonight.

    Get ideas moving, get energy & inspiration moving, as you come, slowly, surely back to the center of yourself tonight.

    WHO you are and what you came here to do.

    YES to all that.

  • Day 21

    Day 21

    18 min | restorative yoga | heart opening | bedtime story | relaxation

    Set your intention for these next 10 days…

    what is it you’re ready to INVITE into your life right now?

    what ideas, dreams, goals, and habits do you want to IGNITE right now?

    what is that you’re trying turn on in your life right now?

    an embodied answer to those questions in tonight’s practice:

    a heart-opening yoga practice

    & 10 pieces of activating wisdom in my own life right now. fresh, new lessons from me, just for you.

  • Day 19

    Day 19

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 20

    Day 20

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 18

    Day 18

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 17

    Day 17

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 16

    Day 16

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 15

    Day 15

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 14

    Day 14

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 13

    Day 13

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 12

    Day 12

    19 min | gentle yoga | let go | bedtime story | rest

    Keep going, dear one.

    Dig deeper, dear one.

    Loosen your grip, dear one.

    LET GO of what you no longer need to hold, the habits that no longer serve you, embody the shedding of old layers, stuck storylines that keep us small.

    Exhale, exhale, exhale.

    If you want to change the way you feel, start by changing the way you move.

    For the ritual of these days 11-20, the embodiment of letting go. Again and again and again.

    Radical transformation, right this way.

  • Day 8

    Day 8

    15 min | gentle yoga | meditation tips | relaxation

    Shake off the day. Sound, movement, breath to let it alll go.

    Stand with strength and purpose.

    Open your spine to cultivate flexibility and equanimity (bend, so you don’t break!).

    Same for your mind, tonight, dear one - strength, flexibility, and equanimity with more meditation tips from Pema Chödrön.

  • Day 7

    Day 7

    17 min | gentle yoga | meditation tips | relaxation

    A steadily unfolding deep stretch that keeps you low and slow and close to the ground in order to …

    Stay open, find space in your body and learn to soften into your edge.

    Embody on your yoga mat the space, the grace, the softening, perhaps, you seek in the rest of your life, too.

    Space and grace and softening our hard edges - just 17 minutes away.

    Ahh, and a bit of meditation inspiration from my teacher Pema Chödrön through me, to you.

  • Day 4

    Day 4

    17 min | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    A full-spectrum wind-down for your body.

    And an invitation to “put to bed” and out of your mind, all the open items on your to-do list so you can end this day on a high note and get on with your night & life & good rest.

  • Day 3

    Day 3

    16 min | gentle yoga | meditation tips

    You are just about 15 minutes away from more open hips and a more spacious spine.

    And meditation 101 - for you, right now, yes you.

    “This moment is the perfect teacher.”