40 quiet evenings

Your New Favorite Evening Ritual:
Rest, Restore, Wind Down on Repeat

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  • Day 29

    Day 29

    20 min | breath work | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    this 20 minute practice is one of my favorites, hands-down.

    a bit of everything you need at the end of the day.

    including THE poem that, to me (and to many) feels like FREEDOM.

  • Day 28

    Day 28

    10 min | breath work | gentle yoga | bedtime story | relaxation

    more …

    poetry and nature

    nature and poetry

    also an invitation to sit together quietly, to gather ourselves in, to come home to ourselves at the end of the day - aka meditation & breath work ;)

    and finally some gentle yoga to, like alchemy, integrate the day.

    so much, gently packed into less than 10 minutes!

  • Day 24

    Day 24

    25 min | breath work | gentle yoga | meditation | relaxation

    A reminder today that no matter how busy, how hurried, how rushed, how stressed a day might be - you can always come back. Come back to this practice. Come back to yourself.

    A full-body movement practice to unwind your body and my signature 4-step meditation, SALT, to unwind your mind tonight.

    Let this be a gracious place for you to land.

  • Day 9

    Day 9

    10 min | meditation | breathing | meditation tips

    Just 10 minutes away from leaving your day behind.

    A special, guided 10-mindful meditation practice for you, tonight.

    Look! You’re a meditator now ;)

    (and of course, more meditation tips from the true profesh, Pema Chödrön).

  • Day 8

    Day 8

    15 min | gentle yoga | meditation tips | relaxation

    Shake off the day. Sound, movement, breath to let it alll go.

    Stand with strength and purpose.

    Open your spine to cultivate flexibility and equanimity (bend, so you don’t break!).

    Same for your mind, tonight, dear one - strength, flexibility, and equanimity with more meditation tips from Pema Chödrön.

  • Day 7

    Day 7

    17 min | gentle yoga | meditation tips | relaxation

    A steadily unfolding deep stretch that keeps you low and slow and close to the ground in order to …

    Stay open, find space in your body and learn to soften into your edge.

    Embody on your yoga mat the space, the grace, the softening, perhaps, you seek in the rest of your life, too.

    Space and grace and softening our hard edges - just 17 minutes away.

    Ahh, and a bit of meditation inspiration from my teacher Pema Chödrön through me, to you.