Burnout Breakthrough

Think of the Burnout Breakthrough like getting a voice memo from your friend with the calmest nervous system putting real tools into your hands that you can use right now to relieve your stress & refill your tank.

This is your chance to get my voice in your ear to tell you exactly what I would do to help you reset your attention on what matters most, tap into a sense of ease and wider perspective and come back from the edge of burnout to YOURSELF.

You're moments away from a deep exhale.

How the Burnout Breakthrough works:

After you purchase —

  • You will be immediately brought to a diagnostic intake form (think of this like your “stress test”), so I can get the full picture what you’d like my help with. These are the same questions I’ve been using to help clients and students calm their nervous systems for a decade. It’s my usual “soft Socratic method,” a guided process of self-inquiry an understanding that will give you immediate insight & a breath of fresh air.

  • Once I receive your info, I’ll go over it with attention and care. I’ll sit with what you shared or take it for a walk to mull it over and then I’ll record a voice memo of me going over everything you need to have your Burnout Breakthrough. I’ll put real tools you can use right now to activate immediate stress relief and calm your nervous system by creating a custom meditation practice for you to use whenever you need. And help you widen the lens enough to make a mindset shift around what exhausts you most in this moment. Plus 2-3 practical and actionable strategies on how to create new muscle memory for calm, focus, and connection in your everyday life, as it exists right now.

  • Your personal, custom voice memo will be sent to you within 48 business hours so you can experience relief SOON and start creating a muscle memory for more peace in your daily life right now.

I define burnout operationally — consistently being asked to give more than we have to give.

When your tank is on Empty and you need a jumpstart the most — that’s the critical moment.

In these moments of high stress and deep exhaustion or anxiety, I picture — LITERALLY — an old rusty pick up truck with its tires stuck in the mud.

Without help, we can rev the engine and spin our wheels as much as we want. But most of the time, we just get ourselves more stuck.

That’s where the Burnout Breakthrough comes in. Picture you and me on a slow walk or chatting over a cup of tea or mug of coffee, talking out the thing that’s burning you out the most right now.

You exhale deeply. Your jaw relaxes. Your shoulders soften. You catch your breath. You reset your attention. You’ve got a plan to refill your cup and come back to yourself.

I got you. You got this.