Welcome to Let’s Sit Together,

my new weekly Substack. 

I’ve always been a girl with a journal. From about 8 years old, I’ve kept a regular log of my own understanding, through my writing. And I’m an elder millennial (part of the generation who came of age sharing their diaries on the internet ;), I felt drawn to Substack as a way to grow community and connection over long form content. It felt like a place to dig deeper and allow the unfolding to be slower (a more human pace than other social media outlets!).

Weekly posts go out on Mondays, an invitation each week to come back to yourself instead of letting the workweek sweep you away. I’m also working on a book — a memoir-meets-meditation-guide — and this Substack is keeping me accountable in my own commitment to writing and sharing.

P.S. “Let’s Sit Together” was a name in the running for my first podcast in 2021 (ultimately called “Beyond Balance,” you can listen here). But I didn’t think it sounded “serious” enough to the people booking corporate wellbeing speakers. Now I really don’t care ;) because this phrase IS my work — I literally say it every time I teach meditation. And I’m officially out of my “trying to impress people” era and firmly & forever in my “let’s sit together” era.

