Day 7

We are ONE week in. 

All week long, our daily practice has been a guided “arrival” practice. A meditation technique to stabilize the mind, to settle into practice, and to allow yourself to show up exactly as you are. 

All of the inquiries we’ve used in our mediation practices this week distill down to one question — can I be present to what I find out about myself right now when I sit and stay? 

This can feel like a really esoteric rhetorical question, but it doesn’t have to be.

That’s the beauty of doing this inner work in community, like we are here in 40 Early Mornings.

Leave a comment, brave ones, so we can support each other! How has it beeN feeling to practice being present to yourself right now, as you are, when you sit and stay in meditation?

Now, for some very practical, tangible, check boxes kind of work to end our first week together ;)

Just to bring things back down to earth and give us some framework for the inevitable question that arises:

“Am I doing this right?”

(Yes, yes you are :))

Your 40 Early Mornings Arrival Checklist: 

  • I’ve set my intention (revisit Day 1’s post to see the framework, support each other, and share your intention too!) 

  • I’ve decided on a space to practice (revisit the “Before We Begin” videos to see my set up!)

  • I’ve decided on a time to practice (remember this is your early morning, which could even be … before bed!).

  • I’ve been reading my email each morning (catch up in the archives)

  • I’ve done the 5-minute arrival meditation at least one day this week (if not, don’t start at Day 1, just try today’s meditation below!)

  • I’ve done a day of journaling (stay tuned for an awesome journaling prompt tomorrow, and revisit the basic “Mediation Mind Dump” journaling blueprint from Day 4, if you haven’t yet tried journaling as a meditation practice) 

  • I attended live or watched the reply of our first live group meeting last week (in the archives if you missed it).

  • I’ve gotten a chance to check out all the resources in the Member Site home page 

  • I’ve signed up for a one-on-one session

  • Bonus! I’ve practiced a yoga video too! 

  • Bonus! I’ve requested a buddy / support group if I think that’s my thing & I’ve reached out to my support group 

  • Bonus! I’ve left a comment on a post! (If not, start today!)

  • Bonus! I’ve found my most comfortable meditation seat ;) If not, I’ve got a video for you below & saved to the Resources page called “How to Sit.” You can also meditate in the tub ;)


Day 8


Day 6