40 Early Mornings

Who are you ready to become this spring?

40 Early Mornings —

WElcome home.


Everything you need to navigate our 40 days together.

  • 40 EM Welcome Guide

  • Request a 40 EM Buddy

easily find today’s practice + email.

The archive of each day’s practice and emails.

Find today’s practice or revisit your favorite material, all organized by date + day, right here.

Visit each day’s post to comment, connect, and have conversations each with each other.

yoga classes, audio convo, + group meeting recordings, right this way.

A building archive that grows as our time together unfolds.

  • Audio “conversations”

  • Recordings of weekly gatherings

  • Archive of new yoga videos released every 10 days

Mark these dates!

Download our 40 Day calendar here and use it to mark your own (digital or paper or both — that’s my style ;)).

Our weekly, group lives are listed (kind of a beautiful, revolving Fri-Sat-Sun at 1pm ET rhythm so everyone can make it at least once! :)

This, dear ones, is the link to use for all group lives: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86057668975?pwd=R1M2WU1mOTdlbnFpRlRnMmhJeWJZQT09

Let’s Personalize Your Practice!

Your spot in 40 Early MOrnings includes a private, virtual, 60-minute one-on-one coaching session where we can dive into your uniques strengths and challenges and make sure you’re getting exactly what you need.

Grab your spot on the one-on-one calendar below.

Here’s the survey for you to fill out before our session.

Dive Deeper!

My hope is that this material plants seeds of exploration for you to keep diving into even long after our time together is officially over.

All the books I mentioned, playlists I’ve created especially for you, and more … right this way!

Suggestions? Yes, please! Email me and I’ll add them!