Day 30

Day 30 and a group live later today!

You are welcome to finish strong with your chosen practice of either the Kirtan Kriya or Nadi Shodhana (here!).

(Curious if you stuck with what you chose? Or has it changed? Leave a comment!)

Or practice the simple, stabilizing body scan meditation below.

I saw this written somewhere recently: 

"Don't look for your old life, it isn't there." 

This week, those words have never felt truer. 

Obviously, it's an understatement to say 2020 and now 2021 have brought a hefty dose of change and uncertainty, [fill in all the blanks here].  

This past week, my husband and I blessedly got away for 3 days to escape to the woods, without our child + ever present parenting duties, to rest, yes. But also to do some 13-month-overdue deep cleaning of our marriage, our vision for our future and our collective responsibilities as parents and householders, and like …. our taxes.

After a few days dedicated to reconnecting and definitely confirming that our old life is no longer there, it hit me —

This is why I'm here these 40 days. 

To give a bow and a nod and a kiss and raise a glass to so much of my "old life" that I've already realized is no longer there on an intellectual and practical level. And finally now, to let go of the spirit of what was, too.  

I feel lighter somehow. Like I have less to carry into the next. Like I can truly, finally begin to move into the next.

"Don't look for your old life, it isn't there."

LEAVE A COMMENT — I wonder for you — how does that feel? 

In our group live later today, we’ll begin to shape our plan for what’s next as we turn from this moment into the next.

I’ll happily share my #1 tip for sustaining practice beyond these 40 days.

See you at 1pm EST!


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Day 31


Day 29