catherine zack

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Day 37: Sustain

Remember these lines, from Rumi? The ones that brought us here in the first place?

A new moon teaches gradualness

and deliberation and how one gives birth

to oneself slowly. Patience with small details

makes perfect a large work, like the universe.

What nine months of attention does for an embryo

forty early mornings will do

for your gradually growing wholeness.

Even though we’re three days out from our official end together — for now.

It’s truly a moment to begin again.

Each day, in some way, offers that to us.

So remember, you always have an invitation to come back to yourself, to return to your practice, if you simply look up and around to receive it.

And if ever things feel painfully slow or stuck or even like they’re backsliding, listen closely for these whispers…

… gradualness

… deliberation

… how one gives birth to oneself slowly

… patience

… small details

… attention

… your gradually growing wholeness.

to wholeness,

Meditation: Choose from one below. Your practice. Your choice.

Reflection: What does your own “gradually growing wholeness” look and feel like today?

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Your Choice: The Loving-Kindness Meditation (20 min) Catherine Zack

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Your Choice: Nadi Shodana (20 Min) Catherine Zack

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Your Choice: 3 Simple Steps (15 min) Catherine Zack

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Your Choice: The One-And-A-Half Minute Thing (15 min) Catherine Zack

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Your Choice: Body Scan (10 min) Catherine Zack

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Your Choice: The Arrival Practice (5 min) Catherine Zack