Month by Month, Here’s How Our Time Together Will Unfold…

The Details, Month by Month …


    You’re tired. I’m tired. We’re all a little collectively exhausted.

    And it’s impossible to do the deep work of becoming ourselves – being who we truly are, who we came here to be - when we feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above water.

    For an engine to run smoothly (that’s you, dear one) - we have to fill the gas tank. It’s time to take deep and good care of ourselves.

    So this first month is all about investing in your own energetic reserves.

    About creating the space and grace and time to rest.

    I’ll teach you the tools of deep rest and relaxation, guide you through the experience and practice of regularly resetting, and show you how to do this for yourself, all of the time (not just vacation, not just when work slows down, not just when the pandemic is over… NOW & each day after!).

    In this first month, I’ll show you how to turn off the distractions, focus on what’s important, wisely whittle your life down to only the most important, essential pieces.

    And this rest, recovery, and reset does not require you to quit your life and move to Bali (though if you did that, I wouldn’t stop you ;).

    This month is all about meeting yourself in the moment – this moment right here – making magic in the margins of your daily life as it exists right now. Doing a little bit better at building back up your reserves each day, so at the end of this month, you’re ready to step forward for yourself again.

    You’ll have a new, regular practice of rest and recharge, that isn’t the same as “living for the weekend” or crashing and burning on vacation or always wanting to escape your life.

    No, no, this is you right now - rested and awake. Ready to step forward for yourself. Energized to dig into real change and transformation. To do the deep work of peeling back the layers, cultivating the core of YOU.

    This is not “just self-care.” This is self-preservation. This is a quiet and powerful revolution against the hustle and grind and burnout culture so many of us are beyond ready to leave behind. Are you ready?


    I operationally define burnout as “continually asking ourselves to give what we no longer have left to give.”

    And if you’re still reading this, if you’ve made it this far – I know you’ve probably got your own working definition of burnout too!

    Month 2 is all about building upon the foundation of burnout recovery of Month 1, and learning real and wise and actionable strategies for burnout prevention going forward.

    It’s about gaining clarity around your real priorities. Refining the skill of wise discernment: what’s important v. what just seems urgent, what you’d choose to focus on, not what you “should.”

    Speaking of “shoulds” - this month is also about dismantling “the should stories” that keep us stuck and small and exhausted. Are you ready to break the habit of being beholden by the shoulds? And instead remember how to be led by the deeper pull of what you love?

    This month is about wise decision making. Articulating priorities. Setting meaningful and honest boundaries for yourself (your work, your relationships, your family life). Learning to hold those boundaries sacred. And communicate them with clarity and precision.

    The heart of this month is your first “resources evaluation” - looking at not just your allocation of money and time, but also energy and attention (spirit, joy, even fun, you name it!) This isn’t just about numbers, it’s about the quality of how it all feels to be in your life.

    Expect to leave Month 2 with renewed trust in your choices. And the confidence to own those choices and communicate them clearly. Unstick yourself from the stuck cycle of comparison (isn’t it absolutely the thief of joy?), of mindless consumption or FOMO (hello mindful tech use – yep, we’ll DEFINITELY go there in Month 2) and never ending, accidental yet very sticky mindless rabbit holes. What would it feel like to get off auto-pilot and begin to say the YESES and NOS you really mean to say?


    Here’s my unsexy promise to start: Stress is inevitable. And a meditation practice will never get rid of stress completely. In fact, not all stress is even “bad.”

    BUT there’s no denying that our nervous systems are completely taxed right now. Though our nervous systems have exquisitely evolved to keep our species alive, they still can’t discern the difference between a ping from our inbox and running away from a bear (seriously!).

    So that leads to chronic stress (and the attendant conditions and dis-eases and physical afflictions that stem from chronic stress). A feeling that you’re constantly on edge, ready to fly off the handle at any moment, or perhaps frozen in a state of numbness - walking around on autopilot.

    And none of us wants to walk through our life this right – constantly strung out on stress.

    Our unmanaged, unmitigated, misplaced stress creates a wall between us and our lives: instead of experiencing things in the present moment, we get stuck in the story lines of judgment, of regret, of worry.

    Stress keeps us separate from our lives, from experiencing our lives. Instead, we’re either suspended in the past (that’s regret, nostalgia, getting stuck in old stories) or racing toward the future, just “plannicking” (that’s panicking + planning, by the way!) our moments away.

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is the gold-standard, evidence-based approach to using meditation and mindfulness to manage and reduce chronic stress once and for all. AND it serves as the foundation for our work this month.

    In Month 3, you will gain a practical understanding of your nervous system - how to harness it, how to heal it, and how to manage your stress going forward.

    You’ll learn tools that can make you the calmest person in the room, able to function with poise, equanimity, and grace under fire in the face of inevitable change, uncertainty, the discontinuities and unexpected twists & turns. All the things we can’t control (yet somehow spend so much of our energy trying anyways). No more.

    It’s time to re-wire your old stress stories and transform stress “coping mechanisms,” that leave you feeling worse over time (I see you stress shopping, Netflix + chill, that default glass of whatever, the numbing out on your phone yet again (“where was I? Why did I even pick up this thing in the first place?!”).

    These are advanced tools for living a present & awake life. And together, you’ll create daily rituals, routines, and practices that help you book-end each day and prepare you to deal with stress whenever you meet it in the wild of your daily life (think deadlines, daycare closed again!, family emergencies, layoffs & delays, all the unexpected turns, on and on and on).

    You’ll leave this month not only with a wise understanding of how your nervous system works, your stress triggers, and your stress coping mechanisms (and you’ll shape some new ones that will serve you well, promise!). But also with a new pace and a new presence that will transform dramatically the way it FEELS to be in your life.

    You can name it, and, now, you can begin to face it.


    How much of our lives are spent rushing around feeling like we’re always behind where we should be? Like there’s never enough time? Like we’re barreling through the everyday just to crash at the end of them or race to the weekend?

    Or quite simply, how much of our days are spent multitasking and in many places at once (on the phone, ordering the groceries, daydreaming about a vacation sometime somewhere, all well in the zoom meeting about something completely different) – without actually being present with what (and who) is right in front of us.

    If you’ve ever wondered whether you’re actually doing what you say you’re doing. Or if you’re really where you say you are. Talking to the people you’re actually with … well, this month is for us.

    Presence. Focus. Prioritizing. Mindful Time Management.

    It’s about both getting really efficient at our “Chronos time” - that’s the scheduling, the task-mastering, the deadlines, the to-do list making.

    AND rediscovering our deep capacity for “Kairos time” - that’s the time that feels like time disappears. Complete absorption, getting lost in the moment, sacred time. Rediscovering the time for “all the things we’d love to do if only we had more time.”

    This month is about lying down the “badge of busyness” we’ve been emblazoning across our chests for too long. Taking off the armor of anxiety that comes with always rushing, always racing, always hustling, always grinding, never pausing or slowing down.

    Isn’t it about time for that?


    If not, “hard work,” then what? If not a straight & narrow, box-checking path,” then what?

    We’ve spent our whole lives being told to put our heads down and work hard. To do what it takes and sleep when we’re done.

    We’ve followed straight & narrow, linear paths and corporate ladders to “success.”

    And yet.

    We know that hard work for the sake of working hard grinds us down, wrings us out, and hardens US too.

    What would it feel like to create a new vocabulary for productivity? For your contributions? For doing your good work in the world? For success?

    What would it feel like to “work gently?” TO balance out all that effort with a sense of ease?

    We also know that trying to cram our complex, circular, cyclical, nuanced, dynamic, and even stunning, breathtaking lives into “boxes that we can check” feels like not even close to enough. (have you ever asked yourself, “Is this really IT?!”).

    And that our own growth can’t just be measured by an app or a number and it doesn’t all take place on someone else’s preordained linear path.

    So this month, we’ll look to new and wise models of growth that feel more realistic, that meet us where we are, give us a deeper understanding of our pieces all fit together for our own becoming.

    The basic ingredients for building a life are changing. Our scripts for success must change too. This month is all about getting over our “doing the next right thing” syndromes and moving at the speed of light.

    To find a pace and a rhythm and a way of working in our lives that feels more aligned, from the inside out. With new scripts for success that YOU get to write.

    Are you ready to BE more & maybe even … do less?


    This month is less about editing out the “bad habits” or chasing yet another “self-improvement plan” than it is about doubling down on the good. YOUR own good.

    About starting with the wild premise that YOU, right now, are actually enough.

    And beginning to work with the raw materials of your life as it is, in this moment, to cultivate a wellspring of good.

    We’ll activate neuroscience-based practices of taking in the good and shifting otherwise fleeting nice moments into hardwired happiness, an underlying hum of feeling settled and even and grounded in your days, and a deeper capacity to access the positive in any moment.

    Or to put it simply: this month is all about finding the JOY, the fun, the levity, the lightness, the laughter, the adventure & spotanteity we’re usually so busy we either miss or feel like we don’t have enough time for.

    This is about cultivating a quality of contentment in our everyday lives. So that no matter the rises & falls - the moments when “things fall apart” (thank you Pema Chödrön for that book title) and then come back together (“it’s just like that,” as Pema would say) - we can call on our inner reserves of resiliency and an unshakeable core of confidence and calm to carry on, truly.

    And we can also get wise and brave enough to fill in the spaces where we need extra support, to learn to ask for and receive help. To unlearn lessons of martyrdom and doing everything for everyone else before we even think of ourselves.

    What would it feel like to seek out the good, each day, and move from that generous and generative place?

  • Ongoing Support: DOUBLE DOWN On Your FOUNDATION

    I typically work with clients for 6 months.

    It’s an ideal amount of time to make real change and dig deep.

    Sometimes, after 6 months, we’re just getting started!

    Like if that was the basic curriculum, you now get to specialize and focus on what you’re drawn to.

    Declare and create your major.

    Designed for YOUR life, co-created by you, specialized and specific to what you came here for, so you make sure you leave our time together getting what you need. This is where the program meets YOU in the moment and we curate the next steps together.

    Perhaps it’s…

    Getting to the heart of BEing vs. always doing. Elevating your role from the task-master, the box-checker, the calendar-keeper, the agenda-setter, the commuter or car-pool driver to creating your one “wild and precious life.” (The Summer Day, by Mary Oliver, poet and wise arbiter of the soul and master at paying attention).

    Finally doing the thing you’ve said you’ve wanted to do forever: quit the job, change the career (or move altogether from letting it be about job title to discovering your vocation, your calling in this life), prioritize your personal life, have the baby, write the book, move across the globe (you name it, because YOU know it).

    And it might even be that your extended mentorship is about doing way less, scaling back, and resetting so you can focus on rest. On making even more space and finding even more grace in your life.

    Because it’s not about doing more, it’s about doing fewer things WELL - in a deeper, more connected way than ever.

    In our ongoing time together, we’ll home in on what it is for you. Identify the mindset shifts necessary, and then create the action plan so you are guaranteed to be in a different place in your life (figuratively? literally?!) then when we started.

    AND you get to take the reins. Develop self-sufficiency in the self-inquiry that lies at the heart of composing a life - YOUR life.

    This monthly maintenance is about investing in inner and outer alignment – so your “life on paper” looks like the life you actually long to live. Paying attention to the synchronicities, becoming master surfers of the wild waves of our lives, and finding a life even beyond balance – a life where all the pieces fit together, where you can show up as your WHOLE self in your whole life.