DAYS 21-30

“Tell me,
what is it you plan
to do with your
one wild and precious life?”

— Mary Oliver, “The Summer Day”

Invite: Dive Deeper Days 21-30


Over the next 10 days together, we’ll explore what cultivating a sustainable inner fire can look and feel like.

This convo from Spring 2021 still felt so resonate that I had to share again here. We’ll dive more into some of this work in our next 10 days of daily practice.

For now, let’s begin with …

Dive Deeper.

Make sure to listen to the Conversation About Ignition first. Then take what you’ve learned and apply it to your life, right now in this cycle’s Workbook.


We have a group live coming up on Wednesday July 13, at 9:30am ET - here’s the zoom link to join us.

If you haven’t yet, schedule a 1:1 session this week. It’s a wonderful way to orient yourself for the last half of 40 EM & beyond. I can’t wait to support you in this way!


“Imagine that your mind is like a garden. You could simply be with it, looking at its weeds and flowers without judging or changing anything. Second, you could pull weeds by decreasing what’s negative in your mind. Third, you could grow flowers by increasing the positive in your mind. In essence, you can manage your mind in three primary ways: let be, let go, let in. This book is about the third one, the cultivation of inner strengths: growing flowers in the garden of the mind.”

— HARDWIRING HAPPINESS: the new brain science of contentment, clam, and confidence by Rick Hanson