catherine zack

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Day 39 (Friday 7.29.22)

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Let this be your short list when you need to remember the way.

My favorite 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute early morning meditations for you to choose from today and any day.

Hope to catch many of you in our LAST group live today at 9:30am ET.

If you have a “practice plan” idea for what comes next (short or long firm!) - bring some of your “gear” (notebook / yoga mat / candles / meditation cushions / whatever it is you know you might be counting on after our 40 days together). If you’re at work or you’re not sure yet - no worries. Just do the best you can to support yourself with what you might need for your own practice.

LEAVE A COMMENT: What are you Most proud of these last 40 days?

Me? That we did it. That we brought this to life one last time, for now. I appreciate you all so damn much!

see you at 9:30am ET,

xo Cath

DAY 39 Early Morning Meditations, options for Any Day (Everyday?!)

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Any Day: Loving-Kindness Meditation (20 Min) Catherine Zack

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Any Day: "The One-And-Half Minute Thing" - Working with the Emotions (15 Min) Catherine Zack

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Any Day: "Three Simple Steps: - Working with the Thoughts (15 Min) Catherine Zack

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Any Day: Body Scan (10 Min) Catherine Zack

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Any Day: Arrival Practice (5 Min) Catherine Zack

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Any Day: Breath Awareness (5 Min) Catherine Zack

DAY 39 Quiet Evening Practice (14 min)

Our LAST live together, for now. Come with all the things (or just some of things) you’d need for your “practice plan” after these 40 days (aka maybe a yoga mat, maybe what you need for your meditation seat, a journal/pen). Not sure what that is yet? Just come, come, exactly as you are.

Catherine Zack is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Catherine Zack is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Final 40 Early Mornings Group Live Practice

Time: Jul 29, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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