catherine zack

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Day 32 (FRIDAY 7.22.22)

NOW, you are ready, dear one, for the “long-form” practice.

Which is exactly as it sounds, on a very practical level: a practice that is longer than the daily maintenance we’ve been falling into rhythm with each early morning and quiet evening — your “short-form” practice.

Now that we’re 32 days into getting a hang of our daily “bread and butter” short-form meditation practices, you can start to look forward to when you might carve out larger chunks of time and energy for a long-form practice. 

Long-form practice is for your most spacious and unhurried days.

Long-form practice is where you plant the seeds of change and check in with your highest visions.

This entire 40 Early Mornings together is — in some sense — a long-form practice, together.

Long-form practice as a “doesn’t happen every day but becomes something I can look forward to at regular intervals” is THE answer for us “all or nothing people.” This is how we set ourselves up with realistic expectations for success. Consistent success.

The long-form practice can be your 2-hour practice of yoga / reading / rest / tea ritual / hike / hot bath. It can be your solo weekend at a hotel or your Sunday staycation. It can be your 7-day silent meditation retreat. Or your year-long sabbatical. Whatever you’d love to make happen so you can majorly refill your cup.

You GET to choose.

The opportunities for long-form practice rarely just “appear” in the schedule (you know this).

It takes intentional commitment, carving out of space, and perhaps a special confrontation of specific obstacles, or a calling in of extra support to make it possible.

The best part of a long-form practice is that because it’s saved for once in a while, it can become luxurious — something to look forward to.

Which is the whole spirit behind our weekly, live, group meetups together (whether you make it live or not, I get it!).

Can you imagine what the circumstances of your life would have to look like to support a long-form practice and what those long-form practices would include… 





Action items:

  • First, get dreamy with the above questions.

  • Second, get out your calendar. Make it firm. Call it sacred or non-negotiable ;) whatever feels more your style.

  • Third, call in your favors, your people, what and who you need to make it happen. Then gift the same back to them — or better yet, let them go first. This is what I call a “self-care abundance loop.” If you keep making space for your people and model that — I find they naturally begin to do the same for you. It’s the lifeline of my marriage / parenting / work dance right now — making sure my other people get this space and take it, so I can do the same.


And now, 15 minutes of meditation is yours for the “short-form practice” taking today.

see you later in our live today,


DAY 32 EARLY MORNING MEDITATION: a POWERFUL 15-minute meditation for working with our persistent, sticky storylines and thoughts

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Day 32: Early Morning Meditation for Working with the Thoughts and Sticky Story Lines (15 minutes) Catherine Zack

DAY 32 Quiet Evening Practice (12 min)

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p.s. As we round out our official time together, I invite you to take a few minutes to please share your final thoughts in our out-going questionnaire. Your input and experience are invaluable teaching tools to me. Thank you so much in advance.