Day 27: Ignite
A few years ago, during our bedtime routine with our oldest kid (who was about 5 at the time), we’d ask him a series of silly, sweet questions to which he gleefully responded: MEEEE!!!!
My favorite question out of that list was: "Who are we very proud of?"
I love this question because we are proud of him for things like his curiosity, his silliness, his inquisitiveness, his sweet heart, his telling us things like “I need space.” ( <— pro-tip, teach your people this sentence, even your toddlers, so you can model taking space AND ask for space too!).
And I hope we will always be proud of him for things like this. Not necessarily for his accomplishments, his productivity, his awards, his bank account. His “success on paper.”
I hope this for all of us, really: that our deep worthiness, our pride in simply BEing here, can be tied to who we are, not just what we do.
Whether you wrote the next great novel during this pandemic year. Whether you've been wearing the same PJs since Wednesday. Whether you've lost your patience or your job or your sanity.
Try asking YOURSELF this right now.
Q: Who am I very proud of?
I'm proud of us too.
Let's just keep showing up.
I’ll see you right back here tomorrow,
Meditation: Keep going with Nadi Shodana below. You can safely and wisely keep edging your way into more rounds and cycles. Remember, there’s 3 cycles of 9 rounds for 20 minutes of meditation below. Go at your own pace.
Reflection: Finish this thought: “Today, I’m proud of myself because…” (And see if you can start with the reasons below / before / beyond your life on paper!)
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Days 22-28: Nadi Shodana - Alternate Nostril Breathing (20 Min)