Day 15: Let Go

Welcome to Week 3.

“Let Go” is the thematic architecture holding this week together.

And it’s a DOOZY.

In general, we’re pretty comfortable with the idea that growth involves things we can add, accomplish, or point to and say, “Here, look! See this? I did this!”

Like when we add a new “good” habit (for example, your new early morning meditation practice or flossing!). Or in spring time, when nature shows off her impossible blossoms and we welcome these obvious signs of growth.

Growth, plain and simple and straightforward. Just how we like.

And yet.

The full cycle of growth also contains the flip side: the destruction, the dissolution, the shedding, the letting go, the release.

The far less pretty or clean or comfortable side of growth.

And that, my dears, is the part we’re up to this week.

Luckily, meditation was built for this kind of growth.

Remember the definition? Paying attention on purpose to the present moment, in the present moment, without the filter of judgment, story, filter, feeling, good / bad, right or wrong.

And while I have no illusions that we’ll finally chuck all our bad habits or relationships or jobs that suck the life out of us or the negative patterns that we’ve been navigating for decades, I do know that this week gives us a powerful opportunity to sit with and see many of the pieces of our life that we have outgrown.

And what we can see, we can name. And what we can name, we can begin to change.

This week’s meditations bring us into direct contract with the Big Feelings and the thoughts and stories that keep us stuck.

And this stuff is STICKY.

Today, we’ll work with the emotions that keep us stuck. And we’ll keep practicing until we start to loosen the grip.

see you right back here tomorrow,

Meditation: Even though this practice is 15 minutes long, I call it the “one-and-a-half-minute thing.” You’ll see ;)

Reflection: Week 3’s Questionnaire. Don’t overthink this one. Dive right in.


Day 16: Let Go


Day 14: Begin