Day 12: Begin
Now, time for some very practical, tangible, check-the-boxes-kind of work as we round out our first two weeks of settling in here.
Just to bring things back down to earth and give us some framework for the inevitable question that arises:
“Am I doing this right?”
(Yes, yes you are :))
Your 40 Early Mornings “You are Already Doing It!” Checklist:
I’ve set my intention and left a comment on Day 9’s post for some extra accountability. If you haven’t yet, write this down, fill in your blank and hang it somewhere you can see it daily (or many times throughout the day!): I, ____________________________, hereby commit to 40 days of showing up for myself, my work, my life in my daily practice because I believe …
I’ve decided on a space to practice (in bed, a special spot to sit at home, at my desk before I start working, in my favorite chair with my morning coffee, you fill in your blank!).
I’ve decided on a time to practice in the morning … or the evening / whenever it’s actually happening. It’s OK if it’s not first thing. As long as it’s happening, we good!
I’ve been reading my email each morning.
I’ve been practicing the meditation (we’re up to 11 minutes today and YES, you can still start today, promise!).
I’ve been journaling everyday (or most days) and completing Sunday’s questionnaire.
I’ve booked my first 1:1 session (link is below if you haven’t!).
Bonus! I’ve left a comment on a post! (If not, start today!)
And please, please, think of this like a “menu” rather than another to do list. By no means do you need to “check every box” just for the sake of checking a box. Not here, not ever with me.
Do more of what you’re drawn to (maybe the journaling really hits!) and also stay curious about what you’re resistant to (you’re not the only one wanting to crawl out of their skin sometimes in meditation).
For honesty’s sake, this is what my morning practice looks like RIGHT now. Even I don’t do it “by the book,” here’s what works for me —
I wake up around 5am. This is new for me (I’ve endeavored to do this for years, but only now, it’s finally clicking). I check my 40 Early Mornings email at 5:15am. I get my first cup of coffee and I do my Morning Pages (that’s the evolution of my own journaling practice, any other Artist Way lovers here?) for about an hour, right in bed. Then I switch to mom mode from about 6am-8am, and after drop off / studio stuff, I sit back down for a 20-minute meditation between 8 and 8:30am on the couch in my office with my millionth cup of coffee growing cold next to me. I’m practicing right alongside you, everyday.
see you right back here tomorrow,
Meditation: We’ll add one minute onto our body-based practice this week — you’re up to 11 minutes today!
For Reflection: Write down your own version of what it REALLY looks like for you each morning so far. Stuck somewhere? Need to troubleshoot? Work out some questions and pain points, so we can discuss in our next 1:1.
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Day 12 Meditation: Begin (11 Min)