S2 E4 :: How to Slow Down

Today's episode starts with a breakdown of our stress problem --

1. The "I feel stressed" right now part of the problem.
2. The "Stress Culture" problem: when all of our chronically stressed-out individual nervous systems come together to form a collective nervous system (our families, our companies, our communities) that is also stuck in a stress response and the characteristics of Fight, Flight, or Freeze solidify into norms and values that form the basis of Stress Culture. (Which means that this is NOT your fault! You're not just "doing a bad job.")

Here's the order of operations, as I see it:
1. We'll spend the rest of 2022's podcast episodes keeping it real simple by putting real stress relief tools in your hands right now.
2. We'll start the Stress Culture revolution in the New Year ;)

Today's question is one I can relate to --

"Who are all these people slowing down and how do I actually do that?" 🤔

The episode's closing meditation will give us a chance to not just talk about slowing down, but actually experience slowing down.

Submit your stress questions here: https://www.catherinezack.com/askme

And, coming soon 🤗: https://www.catherinezack.com/membership

Thank you SO much for simply being here,


S2 E5 :: “Is Parenting Stress Ruining Anyone Else’s Marriage? Asking For a Friend.” (Parenting Stress - Part 1)


S2 E3 :: Life Lately : A Personal Stress Culture Epiphany